That is information, said Deputy Director of the Department of Broadcasting and Electronic Information, Ministry of Information and Communications, Le Quang Tu Do, 24/3.
Accordingly, the Department has sent Google list of more than 2,200 malicious video clips on YouTube for this unit to evaluate, remove. "At the same time, the authorities are also developing a code of conduct on the social network so that when there is a violation, the parties will find the responsibility to cooperate to deal with, " Do said.
Google is actively cooperating
According to Le Quang Tu Do, following a meeting of the Ministry of Information and Communications chaired by Minister Truong Minh Tuan with brands and advertising agencies, many popular YouTube advertising labels are attached to clips. With malicious content, reactionary, the Department of Radio and Television and electronic information has checked and observed the phenomenon of advertising of brands and brands in the country appear on the video clips are malicious. no more…
At that meeting, businesses with advertising labels on YouTube, advertising agencies are committed to join hands with the Ministry of Information and Communications to build a healthy Internet environment, compliance The law on advertising on the network.
According to the head of the Department of Radio and Television and Electronic Information, after Google sent more than 2,200 malicious video clips to Google for evaluation, Google said it would prioritize rapid verification and close cooperation. Closely with Vietnam. 2,200 new video clips are part of more than 8,000 malicious video clips have been reviewed by the Department of Statistics.
According to Tu Do, the Department has evaluated, classified the malicious content, divided into groups such as habits and customs, terrorism, inciting national animosity, propaganda against the state ... In the immediate future Officials of VN go to Google more than 2,200 video clips of them.
However, according to Tu Do, this is only the initial solution because the needs of enterprises are advertised in the network environment is very large. Consequently, businesses, advertising agencies, and regulatory agencies are working with Google to find radical, radical solutions that will not recur.
According to Do, when the suite asks Google, YouTube, and Facebook to work together to prevent and deal with malicious content on the platform they provide, they collaborate.
Develop a Code of Conduct on social networks
In addition to specific solutions in the immediate future is to review, listing the malicious video clips to remove, the Department of Radio and Television and electronic information is the focal point from the Vietnamese authorities in collaboration with Google It builds a mechanism for removing malicious content and information on YouTube as well as other platforms provided by Google.
According to Do, this mechanism will have the process of removing malicious video clips more quickly rather than the usual way as today. In particular, the Department is also advising the Ministry of Information and Communication to develop a code of conduct on social networks for users in Vietnam.
" We also urge businesses to provide platforms such as Google, Facebook ... in cooperation with Vietnam to participate in this code." Once the code has been issued, it will be a tool for the school. The problem occurs, the parties find the responsibility to cooperate processing rather than looking for a certain management agency, "- said Mr. Le Quang Tu Do.
The department is studying this code and is expected to hold an international conference in April, 1974 with the participation of many countries and businesses to share experiences and build the framework of the code.
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