Windows 10 has many applications preinstalled universal default and most of them are not necessary to us, even to influence the use of the machine. A typical example is the Xbox DVR application creates a drop fps Xbox gaming.
And according HowToGeek , users can remove them from the product, but Microsoft did not do it the easy way how to remove the software as usual. In addition, it also helps you to save a little extra storage space.
Uninstall applications by ordinary universal
And according HowToGeek , users can remove them from the product, but Microsoft did not do it the easy way how to remove the software as usual. In addition, it also helps you to save a little extra storage space.
Uninstall applications by ordinary universal
Some applications allow you to remove them by simply. Just right-click on that application in the All Apps list on the Start menu, then select "Uninstall". For touch screen, you can hold down the right-click on instead.
This method works with many applications, including Office Get, Get Skype, Get Started, Microsoft Solitaire Collection, Money, News, and Sports Phone Companion. Even still can apply for a number of applications, "auto download" by Windows 10, such as Candy Crush, FarmVille, TripAdvisor, Netflix and Pandora.
However, there are some Windows 10 application that you can not use this method to remove them.
Use PowerShell commands to uninstall the pre-installed applications.
Some applications do not allow you to remove them by the usual but through PowerShell commands. Although DC can remove most of the applications, but it also will not allow the important debugging applications with Windows, including Cortana and Microsoft Edge. If you try, it will pop up notification can not delete them.
Back this way, first, open PowerShell with administrator privileges Administrator. To do this, open the Start menu, type " PowerShell " into the search box, then right-click on the icon that appears above PowerShell and select " Run as administrator ". A bulletin board UAC appears, select " Yes ".
After PowerShell command table appears, copy the following command, depending on each application you want to uninstall, and paste them into PowerShell. Finally press enter and wait a bit to execute PowerShell.
Here are the applications and the corresponding debugging statements (if any):
- 3D Builder: Get-AppxPackage * 3dbuilder * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Alarms and Clock: Get-AppxPackage * windowsalarms * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Calculator: Get-AppxPackage * windowscalculator * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Calendar and Mail: Get-AppxPackage * windowscommunicationsapps * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Camera: Get-AppxPackage * windowscamera * | Remove-AppxPackage (this app should not be removed)
- Contact Support: This application can not be deleted.
- Cortana: This application can not be deleted.
- Get Office: Get-AppxPackage * officehub * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Get Skype: Get-AppxPackage * skypeapp * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Get Started: Get-AppxPackage * getstarted * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Groove Music: Get-AppxPackage * zunemusic * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Maps: Get-AppxPackage * windowsmaps * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Microsoft Edge: This application can not be deleted.
- Microsoft Solitaire Collection: Get-AppxPackage * solitairecollection * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Money: Get-AppxPackage * bingfinance * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Movies & TV: Get-AppxPackage * zunevideo * | Remove-AppxPackage
- News: Get-AppxPackage * bingnews * | Remove-AppxPackage
- OneNote: Get-AppxPackage * OneNote * | Remove-AppxPackage
- People: Get-AppxPackage * People * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Phone Companion: Get-AppxPackage * WindowsPhone * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Photos: Get-AppxPackage * photos * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Store: Get-AppxPackage * windowsstore * | Remove-AppxPackage (applications should not be removed)
-Sports: Get-AppxPackage * bingsports * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Voice Recorder: Get-AppxPackage * soundrecorder * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Weather: Get-AppxPackage * bingweather * | Remove-AppxPackage
- Windows Feedback: This application can not be deleted.
- Xbox: Get-AppxPackage * xboxapp * | Remove-AppxPackage
Reinstall the entire integrated applications
If you've taken certain applications but still need them, you can reinstall it from a PowerShell command line. To do this, you need to open PowerShell with administrative privileges Administrator. Then copy it into the PowerShell command line and press Enter.
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ AppXManifest.xml"}
This command will help Windows to reinstall the default application again. It will take some time to implement. After running the command line is finished, if it does not appear or display command line error, restart the computer and access the Start menu.
Good luck.
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